Forum - formatage usb

formatage usb


@echo off


set DISK=none

set BOOTFLAG=boot666s.tmp


echo This file is used to determine current drive letter. It should be deleted. >\%BOOTFLAG%

if not exist \%BOOTFLAG% goto readOnly


echo Wait please, searching for current drive letter.

for %%d in ( C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if exist %%d:\%BOOTFLAG% set DISK=%%d



if %DISK% == none goto DiskNotFound


echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

echo                          Welcome to Wifiway boot installer

echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


echo This installer will setup disk %DISK%: to boot only Wifiway


echo Warning! Master Boot Record (MBR) of the device %DISK%: will be overwritten

echo If %DISK%: is a partition on the same disk drive like your Windows installation,

echo then your Windows will not boot anymore. Be careful!


echo Press any key to continue, or kill this window [x] to abort...

pause > nul



echo Setting up boot record for %DISK%:, wait please...


if %OS% == Windows_NT goto setupNT

goto setup95



setup.exe -maf -d \ %DISK%:

goto setupDone



setup.exe -maf -d \ %DISK%:



echo Disk %DISK%: should be bootable now. Installation finished.

goto pauseit



echo You're starting Wifiway installer from a read-only media, this will not work.

goto pauseit



echo Error: can't find out current drive letter




echo Read the information above and then press any key to exit...

pause > nul





قم بنسخ الكتاب الموجود فوق كما هي في Nouveau Document texte و قم بحفضها باسم bootinstall.bat

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De RkrlsO6PCN1F Le 2013-12-26 04:35:22

It's a pleasure to find such ranlttaiioy in an answer. Welcome to the debate.

De QtYuq642xW Le 2013-12-26 03:53:49

Gee wiillkers, that's such a great post!

De TeSNcTdahEN Le 2013-12-09 13:42:31

just go to BIOS setup and click DVD rom as first boot and follow the VISTA iittallasnon setup. its all over or install the VISTA in other drive and make ur laptop as dual boot XP ot VISTA, when u install VISTA, XP driver will be deleted becoz XP driver does not VISTA, backup all the files before installing VISTA

De NH9zRogkiZB Le 2013-12-09 06:13:16

Finding this post has anwesred my prayers

De TD91qf2HS Le 2013-12-09 06:08:18

When you have installed XP on the 20GB drive, chgnae the other drives pin setting to Slave and install it in another bay. After you have connected the cables and power, reboot the computer and it should find it even though it's messed up. It should also give it a drive letter like D, E, F or G depending how many drives you have got. CD, DVD and Flash drives have their own letters so it will select the next available one after C. Then first run an Error Check and repair first. [what used to be Scan Disc]When you have done that then run a Full Format on it.Depending on the size of the original drive this can take several hours. And I do mean several hours and both the procedures can not be interrupted.Experienced1

De K0hGSThE8d Le 2013-12-08 16:23:41

I would do a system rertsoe.* Windows Safe Mode is a way to boot up the Windows operating system in order to let you troubleshoot or run administrative and diagnostic tasks. When it is booted into Safe Mode the operating system only loads the minimum software that is required for the operating system to work. Only basic video drivers are loaded so your programs may look different than normal.* Easy Way To Do This * Operation:* Restart your computer.Immediately after Starting Windows information is displayed, press the F8 key on your keyboard.Select the Safe Mode option from the menu using the arrow keys.Then press Enter on your keyboard to boot into Safe Mode.* Now run System Restore while your in safe mode when done reboot normal.

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