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De H412MbncU04j Le 2013-12-09 17:10:20
You can use the same disk if you want to ORRRRR, upgrade your PC BACK to wniwods XP with service pack3. I've read a few posts to where Vista is going to be short lived anyway. You can activate wniwods up to three times with your key ..any more and you need to call microsoft .done it many many times.
De 1ZFudyNCM Le 2013-12-09 11:29:15
No, the cd that came with your computer caonnt be used on any other computer, other then the one it came with, as it is an oem cd. You need it's own vista cd, with it's own keycode, as each computer recieves its own. One other thing you need to be aware of not all laptops or computers, are Vista capible, if you install it on a computer, that can't handle it, you'll run into a whole lot of problems. If I were you I'd keep it off the laptop. Vista still has a lot of bugs that need to be worked out and it hasn't sold very well. Everyone I know that is able have all switched back to XP, as they were all disapointed with Vista.
De 9vQdkzDhjKQ Le 2013-12-08 19:19:35
When you have installed XP on the 20GB drive, cnaghe the other drives pin setting to Slave and install it in another bay. After you have connected the cables and power, reboot the computer and it should find it even though it's messed up. It should also give it a drive letter like D, E, F or G depending how many drives you have got. CD, DVD and Flash drives have their own letters so it will select the next available one after C. Then first run an Error Check and repair first. [what used to be Scan Disc]When you have done that then run a Full Format on it.Depending on the size of the original drive this can take several hours. And I do mean several hours and both the procedures can not be interrupted.Experienced1
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