Forum - Présentation du roman

Présentation du roman

Présentation du roman 

Ce roman a été écrit par Victor HUGO en 1829, il est composé de 49 chapitres et il a 97 pages.Victor HUGO traite différents thèmes dans cette œuvre comme la liberté ou l’absence de liberté et la peine de mort à laquelle il s’opposait 
Victor HUGO parlait ainsi de la guillotine : « L’infâme machine partira de France, nous y comptons, et s’il plaît à Dieu, elle partira en boitant, car nous tâcherons de lui porter de rudes coups. » 
La peine de mort fut abolie seulement en 1981 
« La peine de mort est le signe spécial et éternel de la barbarie ». (Paroles du 15 septembre 1848). En 1851, il l’a dénoncée en plein tribunal : « Cette vieille et inintelligente loi du talion(…) » je la combattrai de tous mes efforts comme écrivain, de tous mes actes de tous mes votes comme législateur, je le déclare devant cette victime de la peine de mort qui est là, qui nous regarde et qui nous entend ! ( il montre le Christ sur la croix ). Je le jure devant ce gibet où, il y a deux mille ans, pour l’éternel enseignement des générations, la loi humaine a cloué la loi divine ! » ( Paroles du 11 juin 1851 ).

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De qoTUHNoZN Le 2013-12-26 08:19:11

The midpanel is not only made to mock toabcco paper but it also tears away in typical Bratrud fashion. No release date yet but this month is confirmed.

De 5dQJ1lTEMPSi Le 2013-12-26 06:01:40

No, really I drink it for that great falvor. Well there's that and the fact that they use a whole bunch of four letter words in their advertising. I dig that. Bigtime. (Hah!)The sad truth is that the brand may well succeed because there's a market for brands that are edgy and people will drink the stuff just to be seen as a rebel.There are going to be a lot of college kids that just drink this brand up.

De V5KskP1fu0 Le 2013-12-26 05:08:58

Stephen sorry for the late response but thank you for wrnitig. I really hope you gave Mort Fertel's Marriage Fitness program a try because I too was like you when I was in the throws of my marriage problems. I couldn't work I couldn't eat I couldn't think it was crazy. The only thing I was good at was searching the internet on how to save my marriage . It was so frustrating. I read all types of stuff but it was all the same garbage but then Mort Fertel's program popped up somehow and I ended up getting his and after about 5 or 6 of them, I was like yup this is the guy who really knows his crap and it all started making sense again. As for your alcoholism that's a tough one specially if you've done some crazy stuff your wife has witnessed. Here's my best advice which is straight from the regardless of what your wife does, this program will help you become a better husband and person. As long as you keep on the track, it's only a matter of time before your wife notices your changes. BUT this is a big but it takes a long time for you to build trust again but you can break it in a second so you really have to change. You can't just change for 2 months 5 months it may need to be 9 months or 12 before she believes in the new you. I hope this helps Stephen. There's definitely hope I promise. I'm sitting here wrnitig you while my wife which I was separated from for over 1 year is now upstairs. I wouldn't have thought that possible when I was in the middle of what you are now but it is! You just have to have faith and keep moving forward. I wish you the best. If nothing else, at least get Mort's . Just them alone were so helpful to me. Good luck.

De t0O2WhktLZCG Le 2013-12-26 04:56:17

I love this guy!!! He has peaceful and happy eyes!! Love the coorls of his clothing and the original way he combines patterns. Love that the piecework appears to be done by hand. The fabric appears to be cotton or silk--or rayon. Wish I could feel an edge of these garments. Thank you for sharing these! Can't get enough!

De 0sKV1KZBV2dF Le 2013-12-26 03:35:34

Great article but it didn't have eviyhtreng-I didn't find the kitchen sink!

De dte4PfHrda Le 2013-12-09 17:37:31

I love this guy!!! He has peaceful and happy eyes!! Love the colros of his clothing and the original way he combines patterns. Love that the piecework appears to be done by hand. The fabric appears to be cotton or silk--or rayon. Wish I could feel an edge of these garments. Thank you for sharing these! Can't get enough!

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