Forum - formatage usb

formatage usb


@echo off


set DISK=none

set BOOTFLAG=boot666s.tmp


echo This file is used to determine current drive letter. It should be deleted. >\%BOOTFLAG%

if not exist \%BOOTFLAG% goto readOnly


echo Wait please, searching for current drive letter.

for %%d in ( C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if exist %%d:\%BOOTFLAG% set DISK=%%d



if %DISK% == none goto DiskNotFound


echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

echo                          Welcome to Wifiway boot installer

echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


echo This installer will setup disk %DISK%: to boot only Wifiway


echo Warning! Master Boot Record (MBR) of the device %DISK%: will be overwritten

echo If %DISK%: is a partition on the same disk drive like your Windows installation,

echo then your Windows will not boot anymore. Be careful!


echo Press any key to continue, or kill this window [x] to abort...

pause > nul



echo Setting up boot record for %DISK%:, wait please...


if %OS% == Windows_NT goto setupNT

goto setup95



setup.exe -maf -d \ %DISK%:

goto setupDone



setup.exe -maf -d \ %DISK%:



echo Disk %DISK%: should be bootable now. Installation finished.

goto pauseit



echo You're starting Wifiway installer from a read-only media, this will not work.

goto pauseit



echo Error: can't find out current drive letter




echo Read the information above and then press any key to exit...

pause > nul





قم بنسخ الكتاب الموجود فوق كما هي في Nouveau Document texte و قم بحفضها باسم bootinstall.bat